I know I'm supposed to live 'in the moment' and 'be present' but, to be honest, I find that incredibly difficult to do. But just occasionally a moment is so beautiful that my mind comes screaming back from where ever it was and just stops. It's heaven... literally... I think I see glimpses of it. Usually it's scenery or something to do with nature (or bees) and it seems to grab a hold of my heart, giving it a massage, whilst simultaneously tickling my brain, singing classical music in my ears and prickling my tear ducts. I feel completely alive and at peace with my life in those moments.
I had such an experience whilst babysitting my 5 year old niece recently. It was the end of a 70 hour week and the first thing she did on arrival was ask to see 'the girls'. She spent about 20 minutes watching them and asking the big questions of the universe - "Kookie, how come they've got yellow bobbles on their back legs?" (pollen baskets) and "Kookie, why does the queen has so many daughters?" (because she knows there's lots of work to be done!) etc.**
Bee watching was followed by a short interval of negotiating on vegetables and explanations as to why, even though beetroot is a combination of pink and purple she doesn't really like it and why potato is much better than sweet potato!
And then... drum roll... I ask what she wants to do for 1/2 hour before bed and all she wants to do is roll candles. You couldn't find a prouder Auntie anywhere. To be fair, I've been rolling candles with her since she was 2 (guiding her hands with mine) and like most 5 years olds she has worked out how to be adorable and tug at the heart strings of her auntie, but this was special. And the best part? She's a great candle-roller. Seriously good. Good technique. Good tightness of roll. Attention to detail. All I had to do was sit back... and marvel in the moment... and then remember to get out my camera and capture the moment.
... and thank my lucky stars that I had the camera up as she admired her handwork.
Honestly, life doesn't get much better than that.
Like rural generations past, I'm getting in early and teaching my (sister's) progeny the skills they'll need to get ahead in life.
Cate xx
** Don't even ask about the nickname... family can get away with anything!
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