In the midst of the madness that was last week I received an email from a customer that actually made me laugh out loud. I was laughing at myself and my own stupidity and the genius of someone who looks at a problem with a fresh set of eyes. Barbara wrote to me with a tip on how she was cleaning her clear tealight cups for reuse. Her email read as follows:
"Dear Cate aka Queen B
Enjoying your candles so much both at home and in my Yoga classes, particularly good for Yoga Therapy sessions when healing is the focus
I might have missed this on your site but initially I used to make a big mess with boiling water and paper towels to clean and recycle my clear cups. Then on one of our cold winter Melbourne mornings I noticed the wax remnants just dropped out – so now all the finished cups go into the freezer for a few hours/overnight, are gently squeezed, tapped and out pops the remnants and the little wick disk
Many thanks for the healing, light and love Queen B and court provides
Apart from her lovely feedback (which warms our cockles in a building that doesn't get much over 8 degrees celcius throughout winter) I had to laugh because I'm a 'boiling water' cup cleaner. I think it's because I learned by cup cleaning habits with our votive glasses (and its so easy just to sit them in a tray of boiling water... and as soon as you see the wax turn white on the edges you can just scoop it out with your finger). I'm not sure whether this cleaning tip would work with glass. But it is genius for the our beeswax tealight candles in clear cups. If you have a clever tip, please never assume I already know about it! Sometimes I'm so deeply in tune with the 'trees' that the view of the forest evades me! Thanks again to Barbara for a genius tip. Please feel free to share any you might have by commenting below or emailing me. I hope you have a great week. Cate xx
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