With the mercury reaching 38 degrees yesterday in Sydney (and that's on the coast) it was all about being outdoors last night to catch the breeze and that meant firing up tealights in protective glass holders so the breeze didn't blow them out. And THAT gave me the inspiration for this post and another couple we'll do this week with special offers to boot.
These beautiful, clear glass, hanging teardrop candleholders are incredibly versatile. I've used them sitting on an outdoor table (they're flat at the base), I've used them indoors (to light up a corner where I didn't have a table with candles on it and to create 'layers' of candlelight at various heights) and, of course, they're perfect for outdoors to hang in trees (or, in my case, off balcony railings)!
With summer in the air, we're doing 2 special offers (offers expire on 27th November 2014 @11.59pm):
Offer 1 - We've got 10% off our Clear Glass Teardrop Candleholders until 27/11/14
Offer 2 (exclusive to blog followers and newsletter subscribers) - For every 5 Teardrop Candleholders you buy, we'll throw in a box of 5 x 4-5hr Beeswax Tealight candles in clear cups (that's the one in the photo) - so you get 10% off the teardrops (saving around $7.50) and the tealights for free (saving a further $14.95 - the equivalent of a further 20% off). This second offer is only available to those of you who follow us (either on the blog or by getting our newsletter). So that we know you're in the know, you need to mention "Free Tealights please" in the comments field when you check out. No mention at the time of ordering, no free tealights. No arguments! Again, this offer expires at 11.59pm on 27/11/14.

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