I'm a little (enamel) teapot...
There are some things in life whose worth is greater than the sum of its parts. For me it's enamel teapots.
When I started pouring beeswax candles about a decade ago (O.M.G!... yes, punctuation intentional) I went down to a camping supplies store to buy my first enamel teapot. In those days Queen B was just me, pouring & rolling candles in a garage with a concrete floor.
I digress here slightly because I wandered down memory lane and thought it worth sharing said garage and said concrete floor!
Of course we, and our enamel teapots, now work in much plusher surroundings - OH&S now demands softer floors for our enamel teapots which is a happy coincidence for care of candlemaker's ankles and knees.
Long term employees are the holy grail of small business and I am extraordinarily grateful to recognise that our current teapots have been in service for over 6 years. And just to put that in perspective, that's two teapots, worth around $30 each pouring well in excess of 700,000 candles. I bow down in admiration. There are few things you could buy these days that would last the test of time and extreme usage.
I'm an enamel teapot... short and stout... here is my handle, here is my spout - for pouring beautiful beeswax candles
Over the years, we've made sure that special enamel teapots deserve special enamel teapot holders...
Annoyingly, Tilly and his birthday celebrations got in the way of what would have been a great photo of enamel teapots... Enamel teapot lover #4
We've even had neighbours who have wanted to get in on the enamel teapot loving action (dress standards apply)...
Over the same years we've always bought extra when we were ordering and offered them for sale with our candlemaking supplies. We ran out of the plain one's (the same as what we use) several years ago and were unable to source more, but recently we happened upon another batch. So, with no further ado, I present to you, the ultimate candle making (and tea making... and camping) accessory.... enamel teapots.
... now available in pastel yellow, pastel blue and pastel green... made tough and built to last (if you keep from falling onto concrete... or tile... or any hard surface for that matter).
Over and out.
CB xx

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