The Short Story
Guy obsessed with jam jars + zero waste, off the grid restaurant + girl obsessed with beeswax (that's me!) = Jam Jar Tealights (5+ hr burn time)
Guy obsessed with quality + high end French restaurant + (slightly older) girl obsessed with beeswax = Longer burning Jam Jar Tealights (6+hrs)
Happily it seems that there are other guys and girls that were also wanting refillable tealights in jam jars as they're one of our most popular products. And now, for all of you with longer staying power we've got pure beeswax Jam Jar Tealight candles that will go the full distance in a Party Pack of 60 candles.
The End
The Longer Story
If I went through our product list at Queen B many of the products have been developed as a solution for a client and then become an integral part of our range. Our pure beeswax tealight candles were originally developed for Macro Wholefoods because the only other manufacturer of "beeswax" tealights used macadamia nut oil in all his candles. The Eco Bulb was done in collaboration with Joost and later used by the World Wildlife Fund for their Earth Hour campaign. Our Hurricane candles were designed for the inaugural official Earth Hour launch event held on windy shores at Lady Macquarie's Chair. Our Bee Lights were developed for a Greek Orthodox Church customer. The Jam Jar Tealights were made to solve the lighting at the Greenhouse sustainable restaurant as they had no artificial lighting. And the list goes on.
And so it was that a few months ago we were approached by Guillaume Brahimi who was getting ready to open Guillaume in Paddington. They wanted to use our Jam Jar Tealights and liked the size of the jar but needed them to burn for an hour longer. A couple of frustrating, production issues months later and they're in use, thoroughly tested ready to light up all of those summer weddings, events and parties that need candlelight that will go the extra distance - from before the first guests arrive until after Cinderella leaves the ball.
See, wasn't that long after all!
If you've used our jam jar tealights, tell us what you love about them most in the comments section below and we'll send a free Jam Jar Tealight Pack (2 jars + 8 candles) to the winning comment. Winner drawn at 5pm tomorrow - Tuesday, 28th October 2014.
Looking forward to lighting up your summer (and your autumn and winter and spring),
Cate xx

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