Occasionally, very occasionally, the life of a beeswax candle-maker candle be quite glamorous... in a sustainable, urine-diverting-toilet kind of way. So imagine my excitement to be in Melbourne for the closing party of the Melbourne Food & Wine Festival Greenhouse by Joost and the official launch of by Joost.
The excitement was partially tempered when I realised that I had arrived in Melbourne (the capital of stylishly dressed people) with my full complement of candle-makers shoes: birkenstocks (summer) and blundstones (winter)... and with enormous ocean liners for feet to match my 6ft height, I had to quickly track down a big shoe shop. Thanks to imaps and Mitch I made it to Glamazon - a haven of shoes for drag queens and queen bees. Crisis averted... and I now have pretty party shoes/boats for my next birthday party... or event for queens... or planet saving event.
There is little that Joost hasn't thought of, and that hasn't been written about, in creating his vision for a sustainable future... and now he has a team behind him to support the creation of that vision. Good on him. While he is constantly learning and enquiring and researching and innovating, to turn up to any event by Joost is to catch up with friends of years and in some cases decades. It is also to catch up with a room full of people all passionate about similar things but all coming at the goal in different ways. I have to admit that I am pretty chuffed to be making the light for that journey.
Now I need to admire my party shoes, so I'll leave it to the photo's to communicate the rest.
Next Saturday is Earth Hour. Grab your own favourite party shoes, a little Queen B candlelight and create your own Greenhouse! Here's a picture of my party shoes so that I can be there in spirit.
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