The last time I moved I took an enormous bag full of unused gifts from various past employers to Vinnies. Along with the 20 odd t-shirts and 11 caps were 2 (shoddily made) picnic hamper sets, 5 umbrella's, (I kept another 4 - although why I really have no idea as I haven't used any of them in 6 years), about 9 stress balls (what message does THAT send?!!), 4 plastic insulated coffee cups, a vinyl/faux leather notebook cover and desk set, 5 completely useless branded backpacks and about 15 plastic water bottles.
I know I had cupboards full of what was essentially landfill but I felt too guilty to send it there given the consumption of precious resources taken to make it. Sadly when I got to Vinnies they told me that they would throw the vast majority of it away as they were inundated with it.
So, why then write a post about more "stuff". Well because we're heading into giving season and if you're going to give stuff then it would be remiss of me not to tell you about gifts that are useful, beautiful and sustainable. A gift that keeps on giving - to our farmers & beekeepers, to the jobs it creates at our hive, to our local packaging manufacturers and suppliers. A gift that recognises that your staff work hard and they also need to relax hard.
A few months ago we were tasked by long term client, Buzz Strategic Concepts, to put together a little 'just because' gift for their clients. Not for Christmas. Not for any particular reason. Just a random act of kindness and gratitude gift. They sent us personalised cards to go with each gift and we did all the logistics for them. Bravo!
And to make sure the gift went the extra mile, we put their brand on the candle - subtle but effective. Every time their client looks at or fires up this little beauty (and if you know your Queen B candles you'll know that that will be a whole lot of times over a whole long period of time!) lovely, sweet, positive, appreciative thoughts flying your way!
Of course we also do larger gifts and hampers
And we do smaller gifts too... this one coming in under $15.
If you're looking for ideas, send us an email or give us a buzz, we'd be only too happy to help you out.
Cate xx

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