Oh my goodness there is so much to say! (no surprises there)...
I'm just back from exhibiting at the Reed Gift Fair in Melbourne. You would have seen in my earlier post that about the best thing about doing the Melbourne trade shows for me is that our talented friend, Joost, does our stand. I never have any idea what he is going to do, so it's creation is always something of a surprise. I decided this time to set up my laptop to record it. You can watch it here (you'll notice that creativity requires standing back and looking... a lot!)
How good is that recycled plywood wheelie bin? What an inspired and inspiring man. For you lucky Melbournites, get your hands on some of the Urban Crop tulips... I had retailers telling me that they last for 2 - 3 weeks.
As if Joost's amazing stand weren't enough abundance for one little bee, I had one generous customer who offered to come and play her harp for a day. How beautiful is that? All these weary store owners walking through the equivalent of several football fields worth of exhibitors (the vast majority showing mass produced imports from China) and then there was this little oasis, with hand-made Australian goodness, complete with 'angel music'. We had very happy neighbours!
I (stupidly) forgot to take a photograph on the day, but you've seen the stand, and here's a shot from Adele's CD, so you can use your imagination.
If you ever need a harpist (wedding, cocktail party or over the top romantic evening) I can highly recommend Adele.
Several days were also brightened by helper bees/passionate Queen B customers! I am genuinely humbled (and completely delighted) that customers would choose to spend their time volunteering to help. A loud hand of applause please to Adam, Leanne, Sarah, Adele & Shani all of whom have contributed to Queen B's survival and spreading the word about beeswax candles. Thanks again guys.
On that note, I'll get to my next post...
Queen B beeswax candles are made with 100% pure Australian beeswax a pure cotton wick and copious amounts of hand made love. We stock beautiful and stylish candle holders, personalised candles, votive candles and pillar candles that nourish the human spirit and our environment.

Queen B beeswax candles are made with 100% pure Australian beeswax a pure cotton wick and copious amounts of hand made love. We stock beautiful and stylish candle holders, personalised candles, votive candles and pillar candles that nourish the human spirit and our environment.
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